Clydebank Overtoun Golf Club
(Revised Edition 2016)
The Club shall be called “Clydebank Overtoun Golf Club”, hereinafter referred to as “The Club”.
The Object of the Club:
To promote and encourage the game of golf.
To institute and carry through annually stroke and match play competitions for the benefit of the club.
The club shall be affiliated to the Scottish Golf and have membership of Dumbartonshire Golf Union and shall abide by the rules and constitutions of these governing bodies.
All competitions shall be organized and run in accordance with the rules of golf as defined by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.
Membership of the Club shall consist of full subscription paying members aged 13years and over, and life members. These members shall be eligible to vote at meetings and can be elected as office bearers and to the Committee of Management after one full year membership to the club.
Honorary membership will be open to persons who have been benefactors of the Club. Such admissions shall rest with the Committee of Management in a General Meeting.
The maximum number of members shall be as determined by the Committee of Management.
The Secretary on behalf of the Committee of Management shall display the name and address of applicants for membership of the Club, in a conspicuous place in the clubhouse.
The Secretary of the Club shall notify the admission of a member to him. On admission to the club, he shall be issued with a set of Rules.
Life members shall be granted to members Sixty years and over who have been members for twenty-five years continuous.
Entrance Fees and Subscriptions
Full member shall pay an annual subscription, set by the A.G.M.
Entrance fee for new members shall be set by A.G.M
Annual Subscriptions are due from 1st January and shall be paid on or before the FIRST DAY OF THE SEASON or on the admission of new membership.
Any member failing to pay their subscription by the due date or made arrangements with the Club Treasurer will be deemed to have resigned and will have their name removed from the Club Register. Any such member may be reinstated at the discretion of the Committee of Management.
Ceasing Membership
Any member wishing to resign shall intimate his resignation in writing to the Club Secretary on or before 31st December.
The Committee of Management shall have the power on a vote by a majority of its members to suspend or terminate any member whose conduct appears to them that act against the character, interest or good of the club or who acts in defiance of its rules and regulations and by-laws of West Dunbartonshire Council. Any member who acts in defiance of above Rules shall have the right to plead his case before the Committee of Management.
Any Member ceasing to be a member of the Club, for whatever reason, shall forfeit all rights or claims to property and funds of the club.
Any member who fails to play in at least 4 Saturday Competitions throughout the season may have their membership terminated at the discretion of the Committee of Management prior to a final decision being taken.
The Management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee of Management of not more than 14 members, consisting of Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, President and Vice President.
The Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, President and Vice President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for 2 years, but shall be eligible for re-election for either of these offices or to the Committee of Management.
Member s of the Committee of Management shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a period of 2 years. Members reaching retirement shall be eligible for re-election.
The Committee of Management shall, if thought proper, fill vacancies occurring in the Committee of Management during the year. The person so appointed shall hold office until the next A.G.M.
The Committee of Management shall appoint Sub-Committee and Convenors thereof, and may appoint to any Sub-Committee members of the Club for any special purpose. No Sub-Committee shall incur any financial obligation without the consent of the Committee of Management.
The Committee of Management shall decide the value of prizes for each competition of the Club.
The Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of proceedings at all meetings of the club. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies due to/or by the Club. He shall keep correct Accounts and Books, showing all financial affairs and intermissions of the Club, and generally he shall carry out the instructions to him by the Committee of Management.
Any member of the Committee of Management who fails to attend 50% of the meetings called shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee of Management.
The financial year shall end of 31st December each year and accounts shall immediately thereafter be duly audited by two auditors as appointed by the A.G.M.
All Monies received by the Treasurer shall be lodged, in the name of the Club, in a bank to be fixed by the Committee of Management, and all monies placed on deposit receipt shall be so placed in the name of the Club
The Committee of Management shall meet monthly, and shall conduct the affairs of the Club in the manner as they think proper and necessary. Additional meetings may be called as required.
The Committee of Management shall have the powers to make Rules and Bye-Laws as regards the Club, and all such Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws made by the Committee of Management shall be recorded in a committee book. All such shall be binding on every member until such altered or rescinded by the Committee of Management, or by a General Meeting. At a meeting of Committee of Management, five members shall form a quorum.
At all meetings of the Club and the Committee of Management, the Captain, or in his absence, the Vice-Captain shall take the chair, and failing both these members present, the meeting shall elect a Chairman.
The Chairman at all meetings of the Club and of the Committee of Management shall have a Deliberative, and, in case of equality, a casting vote. A casting vote shall not alter the status quo.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on a date to be advised to members by the Secretary, in writing, at least fourteen days prior to the date of the A.G.M. This date shall be fixed each year by the Committee of Management following the end of the financial year, when a duly audited statement of Club Accounts and Balance sheet shall be submitted to the meeting for approval. The post of Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, President, Vice President and vacancies in the Committee of Management caused by retiring members shall be filled by election, and all other competent business transacted. At a General Meeting of the Club, twenty members shall form a quorum.
The Committee of Management may convene a special meeting whenever they deem it necessary, and shall be bound to convene a Special General Meeting within twenty eight days after receipt of a requisition signed by at least twenty one full members, stating thereon the matter to be discussed.
Constitution Rules and By-Laws
Every person on becoming a member thereby submits himself to the Constitution, Rules and Regulations and By-Laws in all respects in the same as he has subscribed their name thereto and only on these terms are they entitled to the rights and privileges of the Club.
No alteration shall be made in the foregoing Constitution and Rules except at the A.G.M. or at a Special General Meeting called for that the purpose, and a notice calling such a meeting shall state the alteration(s) proposed to be made, but not such alterations shall take effect unless they are approved by a two-thirds majority of those present at the meeting.
All complaints or suggestions must be made in writing to the Secretary and such complaints or suggestions shall be submitted to the Committee of Management at their meeting for consideration, and they shall deal with such as they consider expedient.
The Rules, Regulations and By-Laws made from time to time by the Committee of Management shall become and remain binding on the members until altered by the Committee of Management or Club.
Said Council shall decree By-Laws of West Dunbartonshire Council.
All such Rules, Regulations, and By-Laws shall be recorded and from time to time be posted upon the notice boards in the Clubhouse, and this shall be held to be due intimation to all members.